GTX vs RTX Graphics Cards

August 15, 2022


Whether you're a hardcore gamer, a content creator, or just someone who wants excellent graphics, graphics cards are a vital part of your rig. These cards come in two forms: GTX and RTX. Both these cards are manufactured by Nvidia, a leading graphics card manufacturer.

You might wonder, "What is the difference between these two cards? Can I get the same performance from a GTX as I can from an RTX?"

Well, in this blog post, we'll compare GTX and RTX graphics cards, including their features, specifications, and performance. So, let's dive in!

GTX Graphics Cards

GTX graphics cards were introduced in 2008 by Nvidia. They were designed for gaming enthusiasts and provided top-notch performance for their time. GTX cards are excellent because they deliver high-quality visuals while remaining affordable.

GTX cards come with Nvidia's Pascal and Turing architectures, which offer gaming performance that is still relevant today. These include the GTX 10 series and 16 series. The GTX 10 series features GPUs such as GTX 1060 and GTX 1070, which are popular in the gaming community even today.

RTX Graphics Cards

RTX graphics cards were introduced in 2018 by Nvidia. These cards come with the innovative Turing architecture and offer real-time ray tracing, exclusive to RTX graphics cards.

RTX cards come with features that cater to gamers, content creators, and professionals alike. They are available in the RTX 20 series and 30 series. The RTX 20 series features GPUs such as RTX 2070 and RTX 2080, while the latest RTX 30 series includes GPUs like RTX 3060, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080.

Features Comparison

When comparing GTX and RTX graphics cards, it's essential to look at the features they offer. RTX cards come with new and innovative features that aren't available on GTX cards. These include real-time ray tracing, AI-enhanced graphics, and DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling).

RTX cards also come with dedicated RT cores, which make real-time ray tracing possible. The Tensor cores enable AI-enhanced graphics through DLSS. They provide an unparalleled gaming experience while ensuring excellent power efficiency compared to GTX cards.

GTX graphics cards, on the other hand, lack these advanced features. However, they still provide high-quality graphics and performance that can cater to most gamers' needs.

Performance Comparison

When comparing GTX and RTX graphics cards' performance, benchmarks show that RTX cards are undoubtedly superior. RTX cards offer better performance at high resolutions, with higher frames per second (FPS), and more extensive VRAM.

For instance, while playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider at 1080p, the RTX 3080 offered a 144 FPS average compared to the GTX 1080 Ti's 90 FPS. The RTX 3080 was 60% faster than the GTX 1080 Ti in this game.


In conclusion, RTX graphics cards offer better performance, power efficiency, and innovative features compared to GTX graphics cards. However, GTX cards still offer excellent performance for their price range and can cater to most gamers' needs.

Ultimately, it depends on your budget and requirements. If you're looking for high-end performance and the latest technology, RTX graphics cards are the way to go. But, if you're on a budget and still want excellent gaming performance, GTX graphics cards are a great option.


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